MPH with Alstom Transport worldwide Project

MPH with Alstom Transport worldwide Project

Alstom Transport, a world leader in integrated railway systems, manages the widest range of solutions in the market – from high-speed trains to metros and tramways. Its customized services include maintenance, modernization, infrastructure and signaling solutions. Alstom Transport is headquartered in France and works in over 100 sites across 60 countries worldwide.

The deployment of three levels of expertise – Requirements Managers, Documentation Managers and Change Managers — was required for rail projects worldwide. In addition, the talent would have to be matched with high levels of expertise in railways, and willingness to travel and work in challenging locations was important to ensure the success of the project.

This venture is a perfect example of how MPH partners with its parent company, Assystem, to provide seamless service to clients. Assystem works with Alstom Transport on many projects; toward this end, a team was created led by a highly skilled project manager from Assystem. The result: an experienced skill set to boost quality and customization of solutions. Assystem’s experience in railways gave MPH a head-start, which quickly adapted its reactivity and resourcing efficiency to this new sector. On advance review, MPH found that the requirement for specialized staff was in Alstom Transport’s five geographical regions; and this is where MPH’s worldwide presence made a difference. The Assystem and MPH team worked from the Paris office close to Alstom Transport’s core team at its headquarters; and support from the global operations team based in Dubai, assisted by in-country teams ensured that candidates were qualified and mobilized effectively. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) was identified and followed through with weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings, ensuring that all criteria were met. The strong long-term commitment led to creating a CSCP (common solution competencies pool), sharpening the focus and a conscious effort by the team to effectively boost the talent database.

This project signed in 2015 is ongoing and to date MPH has mobilized more than 15 consultants, whose number is set to double by the first quarter in 2017. Feedback from Alstom Transport and consultants has been positive; some of the countries where deployments have taken place are the US for railways, metro projects in France and in Saudi Arabia.